Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Our house is so full of germs. Both boys have RSV and even have the green stuff coming out of the eyes. Yuck! I've got it too and have lost my voice today...thank goodness my parents are still in town...they have a vacation home in the area. I called good ole Mom to come help me entertain these sick kids. She even brought chicken noodle soup. It was from a dried soup mix but was still good. This is why I struggle with learning to cook. She is a great cook now but I grew up with spaghettios and lots of other convenience foods. She said she just didn't have the time to learn to cook when we were young.

Anyways....I got off topic. I hope we are all on the mend soon. The boys are on nebeulizer treatments twice a day and I am just taking Claritin to power through.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you left a comment at my place!
    Sorry you all are not well! Hope everyone is better soon!


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