Friday, February 26, 2010

Hospital Trip

We are better now but unfortunately poor D ended up in the hospital because his RSV turned into pneumonia. He just got worse and worse and finally on Sunday he wouldn't do anything...we just laid him down on the couch and he stayed for hours. I called the nurse hotline and we counted his breathing and he was borderline at 50 breaths per minute so we made an appt for the next morning. Then by late afternoon his breathing went up to 67 times per minutes so we were off to the hospital. His oxygen levels were low enough that they wanted to admit him and keep him for a minimum of 24 hrs.

Being in the hospital is the pits! We went to the ER at 6pm and at around 8pm they said they were going to admit him...then we didn't get placed in a room till 2 am. Ugh....of course D did not fall asleep till then. Thank Goodness for a great nurse that convinced me it was ok to leave him with her while I went in moved my was still in the drop off parking spot. Once I left she said she just told him to lay down and he fell asleep in 30 secs. Isn't that what always happens....I try and try and try and get frustrated and someone else steps in and it works. Thank goodness she convinced me to let her have him or we would have been up all night.

I hope we are past the illness now and can get back to our routines. I can't stand being cooped up in the house.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Our house is so full of germs. Both boys have RSV and even have the green stuff coming out of the eyes. Yuck! I've got it too and have lost my voice today...thank goodness my parents are still in town...they have a vacation home in the area. I called good ole Mom to come help me entertain these sick kids. She even brought chicken noodle soup. It was from a dried soup mix but was still good. This is why I struggle with learning to cook. She is a great cook now but I grew up with spaghettios and lots of other convenience foods. She said she just didn't have the time to learn to cook when we were young.

Anyways....I got off topic. I hope we are all on the mend soon. The boys are on nebeulizer treatments twice a day and I am just taking Claritin to power through.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow Day!

Like the rest of America we received snow yesterday. It was the first time in 11 years we've seen it so we had to get the boys out for pictures! Of course we didn't have the right snow gear. The boys were in tennis shoes and we borrowed one pair of gloves from our neighbor but poor Dean went without them.

Tonight is my husband and my special Valentine's celebration. We always cook a fancy seafood meal. This time is crab legs and shrimp. We both don't feel great (we all have colds) but bring on the crab! :-)

Friday, February 12, 2010

New Neighbor

We had new neighbors move in last month. I'm excited they have kids. A 7 and 5 year old and our across the street neighbors have an 8 yr old and a boy the same age as my boys. This could be a great group of kids in a few years when my boys can actually play outside.

I just invited the new neighbors over for dinner next week. I'm excited to get to know seems the mother and I have a lot in common. :-)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Boys Speech

My boys are in their speech therapy session right now. I have 2 therapists come to the house at the same time and take them in separate rooms. Now I have an hour to blog...yea! It is the best situation rather than have to try and keep one boy away from the other during their therapy if it isn't at the same time.

I wish they could talk....oh I know people laugh and say I'll be tired of hearing them once they start, but this is getting very hard when they are now 2 and I still don't know what the want when they are crying. And trust me...the crying is getting more and more often.

We must have hit the terrible twos because there is a lot more crying going on in this house. I must Mom wants to meet us at the Children's museum after their therapy. I love when they are in town for an extended length of time.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Party

I'm off to get my home ready for our Super Bowl party. I love that we entertain often but part of me is always dreading getting everything ready and I also get worried if everyone will have a good time.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Picture of Us

This was our Christmas photo. It wasn't planned to be the official Christmas shot but it turned out great.

My husband was nice enough to put our boys to bed tonight so I could go grab dinner with some girlfriends. Thank you hubby! I love that he is so great with them and so hands on. Some men would be scared to handle twins but from the very beginning he has been right there.

Actually...that is not true...the first 2 months he was scared and I was the one that knew the schedule and handled about everything with his help. He said the best thing that ever happened was that I got a stomach bug and couldn't be around the boys for over 24 hrs I was so sick. We don't have family in town so he had to stay home from work and do absolutely everything. He said if that hadn't happened he doesn't know when he would have realized that he could do it! Sometimes it is best if I just step back and let him handle everything....he almost does a better job than me. ;-) Just kidding.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Life with toddlers

I am the type of person that has to stay busy and keep us out of the house with activities or I just go crazy trying to entertain these boys. I have them in a Mothers Morning Out program 2 days a week on Mon and Wed, a playgroup (Moms Club) on Tuesdays, speech therapy on Thursdays and a gym-type class on Fridays. I know it is raining tomorrow so I have set up with a friend of mine to head to her house to visit after our gym class....that way I have all morning set up to keep the boys entertained.

I don't know how some Mothers, especially hearing some on a twins mom's board, stay home most of the time. I don't know if they think it is too hard to take twins out of the house. I think that was it at the beginning but I just kept making myself get of the house even if it was hard and time consuming to get them all ready. We went for walks, to friends houses, playgroups etc. Now it is great that I can take them to parks.

Gosh...I am one of those Moms that overschedules the kids. Hmmm....don't get me wrong, I am a total homebody at night. My husband and I kick back and just relax most nights and are total reality tv junkies. But that is another post for another day. :-)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hi - Introduction

Hi there. My name is Carolyn and this is my first personal blog. I have had a family scrapbook blog since my boys were born but wanted to start writing my personal thoughts on being a Mom, trying to learn how to cook and gaining ideas on how to entertain my identical twin boys.

They just turned 2 and I'll call them D and C to try and keep us from being searchable. I may mess up and give their names but I'll try my best to keep them from being embarrassed of me later in life. :-)

I probably won't be writing everyday but I have been lurking on a lot of other blogs for a couple years and thought it was only fair that I now start my own blog to share who I am with others.

So hi there to all of you who I feel I know so it will be more of a two-way street.